February 10, 2020
Need to Expand Cyber Security Education for Creating Cyber Workforce
“I dream of a Digital India where cyber security becomes an integral part of our National Security –Narendra Modi”
These words of Honourable Prime Minister of India echoed the need of expanding cyber security to build a secure and better tomorrow. Across nations, people are coming closer, the exchange of information is normalizing, and this demands a huge responsibility of developing an advanced cyber workforce who can be the leading lights in this field.
We have come so far in terms of being a Digital India and have been witnessing the major moves taken by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi, from surgical strike to demonetization. A lot of Nation’s confidential information is travelling through cyber networks thus the cyber security has become the key concern to the government agencies.
Demonetization will be marked as a significant contribution in making Digital India. Growing emphasis has been on the use of cashless transactions and avoiding paper currency can make things easier; however, demanding a higher cyber security regime.
This flow becomes a gold mine for hackers because “Digital India” intends to place sensitive personal information over the cyber networks. A situation has come when there is a need of cyber security professionals at the entry level and mid-level to safeguard our intelligent systems from outside hackers or anti-national activities.
We need to see where we stand when it comes to cyber security in India as we cannot overlook the growing cyber world and its impact on our physical security. Overall, India is looking forward to establishing a highly skilled workforce and catering cyber security at different levels while placing blocks for not letting the ethical hackers attack digital systems.
Cyber security and physical security in any country must function in correlation to avoid a fatal damage. Cyber Security education is the need of the hour to join those missing dots in our physical security systems. The growing number of hackers inside or outside the nation is making it more difficult for a developing nation like ours to deal with adverse cyber security issues. Hence, a practical approach in implementing technology solutions and constant efforts need to be put in improving cyber security law enforcement and cyber security education in India.