October 12, 2017
Cyber Security Expert as a Career for Job Aspirant
With the changing time, the demand for skilled or potential candidature has grown in the gamut of cyber security, majorly in India. The concept of “Digital India” has gained popularity among youth; this was the prime reason behind people taking up cyber security expert as a first career choice. However, before diving into the huge ocean of cyber security, one must know about the career opportunities in cyber security.
Cyber Security in India
It’s defined as security walls or practices to secure any exchange of data or information through digital medium. Safe guarding the confidential information from hackers or people with malicious intensions can be considered cyber security.
Lately, demonetization in India affects the extensive growth of career alternatives in Cyber Security. This sector has shown a fastest growth after demonetization. According to a report revealed by Forbes, 1 million cyber security job openings hit the market with expected growth of $170 billion by 2020. So, if you are an aspiring cyber security professional then you should be happy about such numbers
Let us tell you how to embark a successful journey of your career in Cyber Security expert starting from scratch. The good news is that you don’t need to follow a strict qualification or guidelines to be a professional in this field.
- Candidate must be a science graduate or should have a software application degree
- Hands-on knowledge of computer networks is preferred
Cyber Security Degrees and Career Opportunities
To become expert, you must check on your interest level in different options available, for instance, you can be a Security Analyst or a Security Architect based on your qualification and interest. Security Software Developer, Security Administrator, Cryptographer, Security Engineer, Cryptanalyst are among the popular career opportunities in Cyber Security. If you’re good enough and highly dedicated then you will be hired by some of the best departments like Central Bureau of Investigation, Defense, and Department of Transportation, Scientific research laboratories, security consulting firms and IT-Security department. The common goal is to defend the nation through the development and utilization of cutting-edge technologies to probe the system and safeguard the exchange of data from cyber-hackers.
Future of Cyber Security-
As world is coming together, there is a dire need for more secure and reliable digital communication systems. To make connectivity more secure, to save our systems from hackers, the industry needs passionate cyber security professionals who can contribute to make Digital India a growing India. If you’re now thinking to choose it as a career, then you’re on the right path.
Conclusion – A beam of growth
The endless opportunities in this field and constantly growing sector have made Career in Cyber Security popular among young generation or aspiring IT professionals.